Before you head overto Plymouth look back and understand where Thanksgiving s

tarted. When most people think of Thanksgiving they think pilgrims and traditions. Even though that is all true, Thanksgiving goes back to August 1620 where the Pilgrims sailed on the Mayflower making its way across the Atlantic for Virginia. The Mayflower ended up reaching New England no one really knows how they ended up there, some people believe that maybe storms or navigation errors lead the Mayflower to what we know today as Plymouth. The pilgrims did try to explore parts of the Cape Cod but they had to deal with storms and some of the local Native Americans, these issues pushed them to keep sailing westward. They actually made it to Plymouth on December 21, 1620 after a rough trip it would have been extremely hard if not impossible for them to survive, but thanks to the help that came from the Wampanoag Tribe by sending Samoset and Tisquantum to help the Pilgrims they were able to survive. After all the planting of crops were done with the help of the Indians the Pilgrims finally had successful crops and in celebration they came together with the Wampanoag Tribe and had a fantastic feast. This has continued on and still brings people together to celebrate and be thankful for a meal shared between family, friends and strangers at a time of the year that reminds people to be thankful.
Do you know where the name Plymouth comes from?
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