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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas On Easter Island?

Easter Island is a Polynesian island located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, it is known for the 887 monumental statues created by the Rapanui the early people of Easter Island and the statues are known as Moai. When most people think of Easter Island and the first thought is mystery and cannibalism. Story goes that Easter Island was forest of palms until the islanders deforested the island while erecting the statues this caused a major change onthe Island, it affected the construction of fishing vessels and therefore causing a an affect on fishing, birds also lost nesting sites. This left the islanders with chickens and rats as their main source of food and evidence shows that there was some cannibalism, and for many it is still a mystery how the islanders constructed so many large statues. One statue called Paro was almost 33 feet (10 meters) high and it weighed 82 tons.

There are people who live on the island and if the search is for a unique place to celebrate Christmas is your goal then Easter Island can offer that. Enjoying Christmas on Easter Island is a new experience to have, finding an open restaurant on the island can be a little bit of a challenge, but there is plenty of time to find something to eat before midnight mass which starts at 9:30 pm and seems most of the town people have a part in it. Easter Island offers a unique Christmas along with history and some mystery.

What Mysteries Island Have You Been To?

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